Overview of Course
Protecting Human Research Participants online training consists of seven modules; each addressing the principles used to define ethical research using humans and the regulations, policies, and guidance that describe the implementation of those principles. Four of these modules are followed by a quiz.
The entire course will take approximately 3 hours to complete.
Browser & Flash Player Requirements
This course will work on any modern browser and makes use of the Flash Player, which is typically installed as a plug–in with most browsers. (The Flash Player plug–in is free and can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/.) If the Flash Player is not installed in your browser, you will still be able to view the course’s content, but will not be able to view the interactive animations. This will not affect your ability to complete the course.
Log In Information
You may log in to the course using the email address and password that you recorded on your registration form. For any questions regarding your log in or for help retrieving your password, please use our Technical Support Form.
Exiting and Reentering This Program
You can exit this program and return, logging on with the same email address and password, and the program will remember which sections you have completed. If you must leave the course prior to completion, it is advised that you first complete the section in which you are working. Your progress is only recorded when you complete a section and see a check mark next to that section on the Main Menu page.
Because this course is being tracked, bookmarking and returning to a page will not work for purposes of tracking. You MUST go through the log in process in order for your progress to be tracked.
The main menu, glossary and help page may be accessed at the top left horizontal menu from any page within the course. Within each module, you can navigate using the next and previous links at the top or bottom of each page.
Primary source documents: Within each section are links to primary source documents. These links are blue and underlined. When clicked on, a new window will open in front of the main course window with the source document content.

Glossary terms: Glossary terms are indicated with red italicized type. There are three options to view glossary terms:
- Move your cursor over the word and a box will appear with the definition
- Click on the word and a new window will open on top of the main course window with all glossary items available for viewing
- Click on the glossary link that appears in the menu at the top left of each page
Citations 1: Citations are indicated within the text by a number appearing as a superscript next to the content. There are two ways to view a citation:
- Click on the number and a new window will open on top of the main course window with all citations available for viewing
- From the Main Menu page, click on the citation link that appears in the menu at the top left
Case Studies: Throughout the course, Case Studies are presented to illustrate the topics being discussed. You will be asked to respond to a question about each Case Study by choosing an appropriate answer, from which you will be given feedback.
A glossary link is provided on the horizontal menu at the top of each page. Glossary items are also noted throughout the content as italicized and colored red. Moving the cursor on top of a glossary term will pop up a box with that term’s definition.
Course Content and Tracking Your Completion
The Main Menu lists each module of the program. To begin a module, click on the title in the Main Menu list. While you can choose the modules in any order, it is recommended that you start at the top and work your way down.
This course contains a total of 7 modules, 4 of which are followed by quizzes. To complete a module, read through all pages, clicking onto the “next” link located at the top of the page to continue through each, and continue on through to the end. Clicking through the last page will return you back to the Main Menu and record you having completed that module. Your progress is only recorded when you complete a module and see a check mark next to that module on the Main Menu page.
To the right of the Main Menu, there are user options. Some options, such as “Get Certificate” will not be available until you have completed all modules and quizzes.
While you can access the Main Menu at any time, your progress through this course is being tracked and is recorded only when you COMPLETE a module. If you must leave the course prior to completion, it is advised that you first complete the module in which you are working. If you do not see a check mark at the Main Menu after completing a module, please complete theTechnical Support Form.
Quizzes: Testing Your Knowlege
A quiz will be given at the end of four of the modules. After submitting each quiz, it will be scored. If you score less than the required number of correct answers for a quiz, you must reread the module. After you reread the module, you may retake the quiz. This may be repeated until a satisfactory score has been attained.
To successfully complete this course and receive a certificate, you must view the content in all 7 modules and pass all 4 of the quizzes.
Once the course is successfully completed, a link will become available on the main menu for you to print your personalized certificate. This certificate will always be available by logging into the course.
PDF Version of “Protecting Human Research Participants”
A PDF version of the PHRP course is available for download.
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