A friend introduced me to Branded.me website , and I was really impressed so I felt the need to share it as well. It’s a very cool service where you can convert your LinkedIn profile to a personal website in seconds. It’s a great way to improve your on-line brand and works great with LinkedIn. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Create Your Brand
Generate a fully customizable personal website in seconds. Get started for free!
Simple & Quick
Generate your website, customize how you like and publish whenever it’s ready.
Connect your LinkedIn account to generate your site in seconds.
Customize as much or as little as you wish until you’re happy with your site.
Publish your site in seconds and cast your brand across the internet.
I’m actively looking for a job. I have a LinkedIn profile. A friend suggested I create a personal website. The idea of publishing a website to promote myself seems so self-important and narcissistic to me. What do you think?
don’t wait or hesitate go to
start build your resume web site within second
look to my web site it’s amazing
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